- Koda: Izberi vse
t <!DOCTYPE html>
t <html lang="en">
t <head>
t <meta charset="UTF-8">
t <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
t <title>Calibration</title>
t <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
t <script>
t // JavaScript for handling slider and dynamic calibration point creation
t function updateCalibrationPoints() {
t const numPoints = document.getElementById('num_points').value;
t const pointsContainer = document.getElementById('calibration_points');
t pointsContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing points
t for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
t const pointRow = document.createElement('div');
t pointRow.classList.add('form-group');
t pointRow.innerHTML = ' <table><tr>
t <td><label for="angle_'+i+'">Angle '+i+':</label>
t <input type="number" id="angle_'+i+'" name="angle_'+i+'" min="0" required></td>
t <td><label for="adc_'+i+'">ADC:</label>
t <input type="number" id="adc_'+i+'" name="adc_'+i+'" disabled></td>
t <td><button type="button" onclick="readADC('+i+')" class="button">Read ADC</button></td>
t </tr></table><hr>';
t pointsContainer.appendChild(pointRow);
t }
t }
t function readADC(index) {
t // Simulate ADC reading
t const adcField = document.getElementById('adc_'+index);
t adcField.value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1024); // Random ADC value between 0 and 1023
t }
t </script>
t </head>
t <body>
t <!-- Banner Image -->
t <header>
t <img src="banner_s54MTB.png" alt="S54MTB Banner" class="banner">
t </header>
t <div class="container">
t <h1>Calibration</h1>
t <!-- Step Input and Move Buttons -->
t <div class="form-group">
t <table><tr>
t <td><button type="button" class="button" onclick="moveCCW()">Move CCW</button></td>
t <td><label for="step">Step:</label>
t <input type="number" id="step" name="step" required></td>
t <td><button type="button" class="button" onclick="moveCW()">Move CW</button></td>
t </tr></table>
t </div>
t <!-- Angle Min and Max Inputs -->
t <div class="form-group">
t <label for="angle_min">Angle Min:</label>
t <input type="number" id="angle_min" name="angle_min" min="0" required>
t </div>
t <div class="form-group">
t <label for="angle_max">Angle Max:</label>
t <input type="number" id="angle_max" name="angle_max" min="0" required>
t </div>
t <!-- Calibration Points Slider -->
t <div class="form-group">
t <label for="num_points">Number of Calibration Points (2-10):</label>
t <input type="range" id="num_points" name="num_points" min="2" max="10" value="2"
t oninput="updateCalibrationPoints()">
t <span id="num_points_value">2</span>
t </div>
t <!-- Calibration Points -->
t <div id="calibration_points">
t <!-- Dynamic calibration points will be added here -->
t </div>
t <!-- Save and Cancel Buttons -->
t <div class="form-group">
t <button type="button" class="button">Save Calibration</button>
t <button type="button" class="button">Cancel without Saving</button>
t </div>
t </div>
t <!-- Footer -->
t <footer> <hr>
t <p>Author: <strong>S54MTB - Marko Pavlin</strong></p>
t <p>Find me on <a href="https://github.com/s54mtb" target="_blank">GitHub</a> |
t Check my <a href="https://www.qrz.com/db/S54MTB" target="_blank">QRZ.com</a></p>
t </footer>
t </body>
t </html>
Tisti "t" na začetku so zaradi cgi interpreterja, ker je to na embedded web serverju.
Zdaj pa vprašanje: ob prvem prikazu strani je slider na začetni legi. Dinamičen update strani preko JS je šele ob prvem premiku sliderja. Kako bi naredil, da se že ob prvem prikazu strani izvede updateCalibrationPoints() ?