Caro Mr Darko Volk e Associazione dei Tecnici Elettronici della Slovenia,
We warmly thank you for the materials you wanted to donate through the TSRM Lorenzo Bruno for the creation of protective visors.
I express my thanks and all my equipment with a feeling of gratitude also because the gesture not only represents a material aid to our structures but a spur and an injection of energy to all the committed staff who feel the proximity of the citizens.
Best regards
Stefano Meduri
Dott. Meduri Stefano
Direttore Dipartimento dei Servizi
SOC Radiologia Latisana/Palmanova
Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Integrata “Friuli Centrale”
Hvala. Stavek je prišel kar sam,...igo je napisal/-a:Zadnji stavek je svetovno dober![]()
Ima orodje kje vgraviran logo ali nekaj unikatno prepoznavnega, da ne bo prihajalo do preprodaje?
Ja in sedaj jih je že 5500.ivor je napisal/-a: Da so izdeleli že 5200 vizirjev, Darko že sam težko verjame
Vrni se na 3D print vizirjev - operativni del
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