Se ga ne da prepricat da dela na win10?airwolf je napisal/-a:Glede na to da je poscope nehal delati na win10 iščem nek prenosni osciloskop po možnosti še z multimeter funkcionalnostmi.
Zazdaj zbiram predvsem ideje in informacije kaj je pametno vzeti pa da mi ne po izsušilo denarnice.
Gledal sem SIGLENT SHS806
Danes pa mi je v mail priletel še tale Hantek 2D72 Ki pa tudi ne izgleda slab.
Je še kakšen primeren v rangu do 500€ z DDV.
Karlo je napisal/-a:I'm not sure what to say about this device.I know it's a scopemeter so I can't really compare it neither to multimeter or oscilloscope but....I mean for that price you can buy one of their SDS series scope and a proper multimeter like Brymen or Fluke.I'm not saying that this device is totaly useless , but for that price you get a crappy multimeter and a crappy scope.Speaking of scope, the screen is just teribble , it's relatively big but lacks any decent resolution.Also the way you calibrate your probes is just stupid , they should have put calibration terminals on top , between two input channels instead of using adapter wich can easily be lost.
Now don't get me wrong , I don't mean to totally bash this device.There are some good things about this device like: good layout (device is quite easy to use even if you don't read manual) , very portable (weighs about a kilo or so , but then again it is a scopemeter) , has a decent battery life (it would be nice to see separate battery compartmen.
Final conclusion , if I take all the things that I said in my previous posts in consideration , I do not recommend you to buy this device cause for the same price as this device you can buy a better gear individually
mucek je napisal/-a:
Pravijo, da slika pove vec ...
airwolf je napisal/-a:Vedno bolj se nagibam k HANTEK osciloskopu. ... -for-free/ ... free/1275/ ... /#msg86825 ... #msg467313
Ampak imam še vedno prepire z finančnim ministrom.
Do novega leta bo že popustil.
Vrni se na Elektronika - meritve
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